The Fight for Water
The communities around Ecuador's Quimsacocha water reservoir are grappling with the imminent threat posed by mining activities. Initially granted to Canadian company I AM GOLD in 2002, the concession has now been transferred to INV Metals, pending state approval for environmental impact studies. Residents, heavily reliant on the reservoir for daily needs and agriculture, express concerns about potential water contamination, citing previous adverse effects on the Irquis river during exploration. Faced with what they perceive as a mining imposition, the community is gearing up for a legal battle, with leaders such as Carlos Pérez, Federico Guzman, and Angel Arpi already having faced legal repercussions for their opposition to mining activities. The proposed shift in the specialization of a Millennium School from Dairy Technology to Mining and Technology in nonrenewable resources further exacerbates tensions, prompting residents to resist potential displacement and environmental hazards through legal means.